I always love teaching my class about Earth Day. I am a little embarrassed to say that before I began teaching I was not at all “green”. I have always been involved in a lot of different charities and service organizations. I have donated and participated in fundraising events for St. Jude’s and the Shriners for years. I am always… Read More
5 for Friday
Happy Friday! We made it! I wasn’t sure if I would. It was the week after Spring Break… which is hard enough… but we also had testing alllllll week. Brutal! To celebrate making it through the week I’m linking up with Doodlebugs Teaching for a Five for Friday Linky Party– Here we go! So, after a glorious week… Read More
5 for Friday!
Happy weekend! Did you survive the “teacher trifecta” this week? Apparently there was a lunar eclipse, a comet and a full moon all on the same day… I heard this was “a once in a lifetime astrological event”. If your week was anything like mine I’m sure this is not new information to you 😉 but we made it!!! To… Read More
Baby Chicks
We had some very special visitors today! Aren’t they cute?? One of my teammates (also known as my Teaching BFF) came over this morning and asked if my class could come visit for awhile. Of course. Yes. The answer is always yes… no questions asked. (We have started a great “Family Time” with our classes this year and it is my favorite… Read More
5 Senses Science Fun
We have been having lots of fun launching our science study this year. We started by brainstorming and reading about what scientists do. Then, we talked about how we would be scientists this year and do all of these things. Last week was all about using our 5 senses to learn about our world. My teammate found this silly… Read More
Living/ Nonliving Worm Investigation
Since I was pretty much the worst blogger ever last year, I decided to finally share one of our favorite science units. During our study of life science, we focused on the difference between living and nonliving things. We started by learning what living things do, need and are. We sang a silly song to the tune of “London Bridges”… Read More