Happy Weekend! I am extra, extra, extra happy because this weekend is the beginning of my Spring Break!!! Yea!! I really thought I might not make it...as I explained earlier this week I have that class this year and, let me tell you, the struggle is real. But, I made it!!! Yea!! In celebration I am linking up with Doodlebugs Teaching to wrap up my week with a 5 for Friday post. Here we ... read more
When “Scoot” Goes Wrong -Classroom Management Tips for “THAT Class”
So, if you read last week's "wrap up" post, you know that our first game of Scoot went terribly, terribly wrong. In fact, it went so wrong, that I realized it was time that I sat down and wrote out my classroom management tips for "that class" (also known as how I try to make it through the day this year. If you are a "classroom game" kind of teacher, I am sure it is hard to believe that a ... read more
5 for Fr- The Weekend
Well, since it is Sunday night I don't think I can even pretend that this is still a "real" Five for Friday post... However, I do like catching up, sharing the highlights of my week with you and linking up with Doodlebugs Teaching... So, I'm hoping we can just ignore my tardiness (like we do every week- but a lets do it a little more this week) and jump in! So, you might remember that last ... read more
Five for Friday
Yea!!! It's the weekend! I swear, the weeks seem to keep getting longer and longer recently! I have to admit... I am pretty jealous of the 3-day weekend that I hear so many people are enjoying right now... Kind of makes my "regular old 2-day weekend" seem a bit less exciting... but I'm trying not to do that whole "grass is greener thing"... a weekend is a weekend, so I am going to enjoy it! So, ... read more
Our Favorite FUN Test Prep
While I deeply believe in the need for ongoing formative assessment- the kind that gives me information to drive my instruction- I just CAN NOT STAND the "big" tests that we give to such little children these days. I feel like I am being asked to give my second graders the SATs or the LSATs every quarter. It hurts my heart. And while I refuse to make a big deal about any kind of assessment with ... read more
5 for Friday!
Happy weekend! Did you survive the "teacher trifecta" this week? Apparently there was a lunar eclipse, a comet and a full moon all on the same day... I heard this was "a once in a lifetime astrological event". If your week was anything like mine I'm sure this is not new information to you ;) but we made it!!! To celebrate making to the weekend I am linking up with Doodlebugs Teaching for 5 for ... read more
Black History Month- Resources, Freebies & Videos for Primary Classrooms
Happy February! I have never been much of a "Groundhog's Day" fan... I think it might be because I still remember having to copy down the looooongest "morning message" EVER on Groundhog's Day when I was in first grade. (I hated that stupid morning message! It took sooooooo long to write... I liked reading it... but we had to copy it down... and I hated copying it. I remember being 6 years ... read more
Door Decorating Ideas for Literacy Week
So, last week was Literacy Week... and somehow between our early in the year inspection from the (very strict) Fire Marshall and our new principal we were allowed/encouraged to decorated our classroom doors. I have been at other schools that had "door decorating cultures" (ha!) but we have never been able to do it at my current school... and I feel like Pinterest was just becoming a "thing" ... read more
Five for Friday & a Freebie!
Happy Weekend! I thought it might never get here!!! I know it's Saturday, but it seems like a good time to recap the week, so I am linking up with Doodlebugs Teaching for a Five for Friday post. It was Literacy Week this week. It was the first week of common assessments, the 100th day of school, the week that a district walkthrough was scheduled, and probably 300 other things that ... read more
Chinese New Year & Freebies!
Happy New Year! So, 2017 is officially here. I will tell you... I am ready for a fresh start. I like to keep things pretty "sunny" and positive but if I am honest, 2016 has not been my favorite year. It seems like lots of people felt that way this year. I always think that's so strange... that when I have a bad day (or a "bad year") that everyone else seems to be feeling the same ... read more