So, like most of my best ideas, I made something up off the top of my head carefully designed this strategy. Whenever a child complains of an invisible injury, I tell them I am going to “take some love out of my heart” and throw it on the injury. (Stick with me here… it WORKS!) So, I put my hand up over my heart and pull out the “love” and act like I am throwing it at the child’s toe, finger, elbow etc. They LOVE IT. Like, they don’t just love it… they LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! The child instantly smiles, thanks me and runs off to play. I swear. It is the craziest thing. That little bit of attention and validation is all they need.
So, now that this “system” is up and running, it doesn’t even take any words. They come up to me pointing at a body part with tears in their eyes, I “grab the love from my heart” and fling it at them and then the child laughs and runs away. I know, crazy right?!?
Occasionally, there is an injury that actually hurts. These are pretty few and far between, but every so often it happens. On those occasions, I fuss over them a little more and ask if they need a “giant love bomb” or “gentle love sprinkles” and exaggerate the process a bit. It still works. Even when they are actually hurt. It always makes them feel better. Always.

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