Hello forgotten little blog! Let me start by saying I had EVERY intention of getting a “catch up” blog post together last week… It was going to be a “Back to School, Back to Blogging” kind of thing. The plan was to link up (for the first time!) with “Five for Friday”. However, as you can see, Friday came and went. So instead of letting another week go by I am going to do my own little “6 Things This Sunday” catch up! So, here we go…
Boxes, and boxes, and boxes. So many boxes!
Needless to say, it was a very long day. After hours and hours of unpacking it started to look like a classroom again. Unfortunately I was too tired to think about taking photos by that point so you will just have to take my word for it. We are slowly getting back to “normal”. I still can’t find anything and there are still boxes hidden in the closets… but we are getting there!

Santa brought my twins a Meccano Meccanoid G15 Robot for Christmas. It has over 600 pieces. We are not really a “build your own 600 piece robot” kind of family. It is stressing me out. The boys are being patient and careful with it… but it is stressing me out. They are on step 18 of 91 steps. I am thinking I might never get my dining room table back… but he is awfully cute when he is concentrating isn’t he?

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