These goofy guys come to school with me. Taking their photo in my classroom should have been easy… except they have yet to stand still in the 9 years they have been on the planet! They had a hard year last year and were not super excited to come back to school. Luckily, the year is off to a GREAT start! They have fabulous teachers and are really enjoying 4th grade!
So, I am a second grade teacher. I don’t really know what I’m doing yet (which I HATE)… but I am figuring it out… and trying to love it.

Hi, I want to let you know that I just found out about you, your blog and your kindergarten co-teaching adventures… And at the beginning I was so excited to know about you, because I was just invited to coteach kindergarten this year in my school and after reading your posts I was starting to feel a connection among us… I loved your ideas, I loved your posts about How to coteach in kindergarten, I was ready to read and ask you as much as I could about the topic! But I guess that topic will now change around here ugh? Anyway, I still love your enthusiasm and your positive attitude about your career and I wish you the only best on the new adventure! Again I love your blog, I am your new follower and I just want to let you know that if you ever go back to writing posts about KG and co teaching ideas, I will be there to read you and comment! Have a great year and keep smiling ?
Hi, I want to let you know that I just found out about you, your blog and your kindergarten co-teaching adventures… And at the beginning I was so excited to know about you, because I was just invited to coteach kindergarten this year in my school and after reading your posts I was starting to feel a connection among us… I loved your ideas, I loved your posts about How to coteach in kindergarten, I was ready to read and ask you as much as I could about the topic! But I guess that topic will now change around here ugh? Anyway, I still love your enthusiasm and your positive attitude about your career and I wish you the only best on the new adventure! Again I love your blog, I am your new follower and I just want to let you know that if you ever go back to writing posts about KG and co teaching ideas, I will be there to read you and comment! Have a great year and keep smiling ?
Oh my goodness. What a crazy beginning to the year! It looks to me like you have a really positive attitude despite everything you've had going on, and I'm sure once you settle in you will love 2nd grade! Best of luck to you 🙂
I loved reading your post and totally feel your pain! I myself am a former kindergarten teacher–19 years total and 14 years were in a row. During the spring of 2015, my principal asked two of us K teachers to move to 2nd grade. It was hard at first, but after the summer break, we were ready to move to our new classrooms and set up for a new adventure. After only a week in 2nd grade, my K buddy was asked to go back to Kinder. Too many K kids and too few in 2nd. We were heartbroken!
After my first year in 2nd grade, I have fallen in love with the grade level and age! I now realize that the change was probably good for me (although I truly miss my K team) and has created a new teaching energy in me!
Good Luck in second grade and celebrate all of the great things that your students can do! Enjoy your year!
Stacy Taylor
Conway, AR
O.M.G. What a rough beginning to your year!! I'm so sorry for all of the things that went wrong – let's hope that's all over with now, and for the ear of the year everything goes RIGHT!
I've been given a 1st-2nd grade combo for most of the day this year after teaching 2nd for 22 years. Holy cow, those firsties are little. My second graders seem so mature by comparison! (I'm envying your second grade class right now …) 😉
I have a very small TpT store, but if there's anything I have for second grade that would help you, I'd be happy to send it your way for free! Best wishes with your new class and grade level!
🙂 Amanda